Friday, September 17, 2010

Vocabulary Cartoons by New Monic Books

It is a rare kid that show any interest in studying vocabulary at all, let alone one that will pick up a book and study vocabulary.......well if you can call it studying. When I received my copy of Vocabulary Cartoons I went through it and left it out hap hazardly about the house.   I nearly always find it laying open to the last page my kids have been looking at. This book is great because just like the title says it reads like a cartoon, and has reasonably high entertainment value in an other wise dull topic of study.

One of the really nice features of this book is that there are no writing or copying of definitions, in fact there are no assignments at all. The logic behind the design of this book is word associations, and pictures. For instance, in the word catapult you are given the word on the top of the page with the phonetic pronunciation and the definition.  Below that is the word "cat", the association word, followed by the cartoon.  The caption to the cartoon is the word association in the case of catapult:  "Testing the first cat in the catapult." The cartoon shows the dog catapulting a cat. Rounding out the page is the word being used in three differing sentences.

I really like learning outside the traditional box, and when kids will pick up a book and read vocabulary words, it is a good thing.

This reasonably priced book can be purchased from their web site for $12.95.

Members of the TOS Crew received a free book for review purposes.

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